We are so proud to showcase the very best of the many entries to the Major of Wokingham Borough’s competition held to mark Home-Start’s 25th anniversary.
The photographs were taken by children as young as 11 and adults living in the Wokingham Borough to show things they had discovered while out and about during lockdown.

But don’t take our word for it, go and see it for yourself and take your children too. Who knows, it might inspire you or your children the to take up photography.
Enormous thanks go to: Cllr Malcolm Richards, the former Mayor of Wokingham Borough Council; the entrants whose amazing photos we are exhibiting; our kind sponsors @snappysnaps and @nichecom in Wokingham; and of course Wokingham Library for allowing us to use their fabulous space.
The exhibition will be up for the rest of September and the whole of October. Enjoy!!