Our support service provides assistance with housing-related issues, to help people to stay living in their own homes.
The areas that are covered include:
■ Help with financial issues, budgeting, rent or mortgage payments, debts, applying for welfare benefits
■ Advice on maintaining a safe and secure home
■ Support with physical, emotional and mental health
■ Advice on finding training or employment
■ Liaison with partner agencies, for example the local authority
■ Support to access social and leisure activities
■ Signposting of other advice and support services
Our support service is available for adults with a range of needs including:
■ People with mental health problems
■ Learning disabilities and physical disabilities
■ Older people
■ People with drug and alcohol problems
■ Other vulnerable adults, including families with support needs
For further information on any of the above, please contact the Transform office: Telephone 0118 978 7750 or email wokingham@transformhousing.org.uk