
We have a number of ways you can donate!

If you would like to donate to Home-Start Wokingham please click on one of the options below.
Alternatively, if you’d like to help us out by donating your time, why not check out how to volunteer?

The earliest years make the biggest difference. Home-Start makes sure those years count, so that no child’s future is limited. And you can help us do that. The need for our work is acute and growing. Children whose parents are struggling to cope can miss out on the support that is vital for their future.

Home-Start depends heavily on donations from people like you to fund our work with parents and children. Everyone needs help at some time in their life … please help us to make a difference to a child’s life today.

  • £10 will pay for a parent to attend a family support group session

  • £30 will pay for a goody bag for families

  • £100 will pay for a family to be visited once a week for a month by a family support volunteer

To donate online please follow the below links, where you can make a one-off donation, or set up a regular standing order. If you have any questions about making a donation please get in touch.

On behalf of families in Wokingham Borough – thank you.

By raising funds for Home-Start’s vital work you will help us to reach more struggling families and give their children the best possible start in life. Whatever amount you are aiming to raise and however you want to raise it, we are here to support you, so please get in touch.

And whatever you do, it’s really important that you do something that is fun!

Fundraising Ideas

• Check out our News page, Facebook and Instagram for upcoming challenges or events we are organising and contact us if you’d like to get involved.

• Join in a local event such as Wokingham half marathon, village fetes, coffee mornings and school fairs and ask if you can hold a stall. You could sell home baked cakes, hold a tombola, or run an activity like hook-a-duck for the children.

• Ask your friends, family or work colleagues to pledge their time, skills and services to be put up for auction. People can bid for someone to spend the day as their handyman or for a night’s babysitting.

• Car boot and yard sales are a good excuse to have a clear out. Ask friends and family if they’d like to de-clutter their attics to and donate items for sale.

• Something to celebrate? Have a party and ask guests if they would to make a donation to Home-Start instead of buying a present.

• Host a quiz night at your local pub, community centre, school, cafe and charge a small entry fee to take part.

• Hold a raffle – you could contact your local shops, pubs and restaurants to donate items or vouchers as prizes.

• Supermarket bag packing – Get a few people you know to volunteer for a couple of hours. Offer to help pack people’s shopping in exchange for a donation. Contact your local supermarket as early as possible to arrange and time and date because slots often get booked up well in advance.

• Host an amateur poker tournament playing to raise money. Set a buy-in price and then split the pot between the winner and Home-Start Wokingham District.

• Seed Bank: In the springtime, ask local gardeners and garden centres for donations of seeds, seedlings or bedding plants and host an afternoon of garden sales.

• Rent a karaoke machine and host a party at home, or speak to a local restaurant or bar about hosting for the evening. Charge an entry fee and have a prize for your winner.

• Plan a scavenger hunt and charge teams an entry fee to take part. Create a list of items and photos the teams must obtain. Hold it in your local area and include some interesting local history facts or unique attractions. Add bonus tasks to make it even more fun, such as getting a photo of the entire team jumping. Set a time limit and impose a penalty of -1 point for each minute a player is late. Arrange for somewhere to reconvene and total up how many points each player’s scored. The winner gets a prize or bragging rights.

Matched Giving

Ask your employer if they operate a Matched Giving Scheme as this is a really good way to increase the money you raise from sponsorship. If they agree to support you, why not get the whole team involved in some fun fundraising in the workplace?



Annual Report