Camp Mohawk  is a multi-functional day centre for children and young people (aged 0-19) with special needs. Set in beautiful countryside just outside Wargrave, the centre provides a range of activities, facilities and natural space that are especially suited to the requirements of children who have a variety of special needs. Camp Mohawk has both indoor and outdoor facilities and operates different activity streams throughout the year, depending upon the season and weather. There is a heated outdoor swimming pool, sensory garden and an extensive woodland area for play. Indoor facilities include a large soft play room and ball-pit, sensory rooms for children (and parents!), an art space, computer games and catering facilities.

All of these wonderful facilities are available for families for a minimum donation of £12 per year. Membership gives your family access to the camp and all the facilities and activities for the whole summer season, plus access to special events and other services throughout the year.


For more information: Telephone 0118 940 4045 or