
About amyhomestartwd

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So far amyhomestartwd has created 56 blog entries.



There's no time to waste!!  From now until 10:00 Monday 3rd November, every single donation made to us via up to £75 will be matched by Localgiving, DOUBLING the total amount donated. But WAIT!! Incredibly, between 10:00 on 3rd November and 12:00 on the 9th November they will match every single donation made up to £5,000!!! This


Today’s Top Tip for parents – Communication & Language


This week's Top Tip for parents is on Communication & Language. This leaflet has loads of really helpful information about the importance of helping 2-4 year olds how to listen and communicate before they go to nursery or school.  Huge thanks to Teresa, our Tools for Life Project Coordinator and the team at Wokingham Children’s

Today’s Top Tip for parents – Communication & Language2020-10-28T10:27:03+00:00

Want to know what’s going on in your area?


Check out this free FAMILIES magazine with all sorts of useful information for families in the Thames Valley West area.  

Want to know what’s going on in your area?2020-10-29T18:33:02+00:00

Adult Education Courses


Please find below the latest Adult Education courses available in Wokingham.  All of these courses are delivered online by WBC tutors in small groups and available free to  residents – there are a few exemptions, and WBC check eligibility with anyone when they enquire about a course. If you have any questions about the courses

Adult Education Courses2020-10-19T16:41:13+01:00

Autumn Walk


What better way to start the week than with some fresh air, exercise and good company? Thanks to volunteers and families who joined us on our walk at Dinton Pastures on Monday. Watch this space for the next one ...

Autumn Walk2020-10-14T11:25:48+01:00

Places filling up fast!!


There are a few places left on Teresa's new Learn & Play Group but places are filling up fast!  This four week Tools for Life course is designed for parents with children aged 2+.  The first session will start at 9.30am on 12th November and will be held on Zoom.  Each session will be 20-30

Places filling up fast!!2020-10-14T10:37:09+01:00
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