
Helping ordinary people going through extraordinary times

For parents when they need us the most, because childhood can’t wait.

Helping ordinary
people going through
extraordinary times

For parents when they need us the most,
because childhood can’t wait.

What we do

How to get help

Want to Volunteer?


“Home-Start is a life saver for parents who have no-one else to turn to for emotional support while our children are little and sometimes very demanding.”

Home-Start parents

“I look forward to seeing my volunteer as it makes me feel less alone.”

Home-Start parents

“Amazing! You made a hugely positive effect to my mental health. I cannot thank you enough.”

Home-Start parents

“Home-Start have been amazing in helping us as a family. Everyone is so supportive, friendly and helpful.”

Home-Start parents

“Home-Start Wokingham is an amazing service that helps young children get the best start in life.”

Home-Start parents

“Home-Start really makes you feel that there is someone you can talk and share your feelings.”

Home-Start parents

Our Team

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Operations Manager Wanted

We are looking to recruit for a new Operations Manager to lead our small but effective and very friendly team here at Home-Start Wokingham. This is a really exciting opportunity for the right person to



Annual Report

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